mardi 18 octobre 2011

On the edge of fashion, stupidity and ass-kisser

Please send us your request along with your business plan, proposition of buyout and collaboration strategy.
You can of course send us your salary and promotion.
While some thing is working out, it’s not going to be what it si.
Si. Instead of the Columbia supplier,
It’s so stupid. Even the voice, the way that talks oozing the stupidity.
How unbearable and how ironic that m here.

Ta gueule putain merde e

Enclose the sample and another sample for the fure reference.
Many thanks of what.
Some jewelry collection can be interesting for the development.


in fact, i figured that it's no longer a good idea to use the internet as i wanted since my french-wannabe boss started to behave low, i whine differently.

that's about the ass-kisser. she's damn annoying. it's about yesterday.


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