jeudi 29 septembre 2011

On the edge of fashion, noise

It is rather unbearable when your only senior colleague got no spine and is major stupid.
Even if she can speak French without much problem when it comes to the language, inside her head is there only muddy paste that generates nothing. Words coming out of her seem only dumb and ridiculous, why bother keep talking?

Oh because she’s not aware of that herself.

Of course not.

Holy shit!! She starts again, mumbling, blah blah blah………….. don’t be so annoying, can you?!!

If you really think that the things you do are just making no progress to the house, why do you pretend that you’re doing so many things and so busy in front of the bosses? Ass-kisser.

Stop echoing the management’s opinions. Asshole.

mercredi 28 septembre 2011

On the edge of fashion, solar spotlight

Well now what am I doing ? I’m doing a research about some “spot solaire”. 
Because my genius creative senior colleague, the ass-kisser, got a brilliant idea the other day while our boss was talking about lighting the balcony (or the sign on it?).
So why doesn’t she take care of all this solar spotlight installation shit herself? Because I’m the one who took care of the sign before, according to my boss.

Good. It’s like I got nothing to do, isn’t it?

It’s a balcony of a supposed-to-be high fashion house and you want me to do some diy to light it…. What the fuck are you serious?!!

Oh yes she is, my boss.

While I’m on the research, I can’t help noticing that the ass-kisser has been typing.
I wonder what the frak she’s been working on.


On the edge of fashion "That was the day before yesterday"

When your senior colleague or your so-called superior is an ass-kisser and no-spine, it’s rather unpleasant and irritating when things are processing.
However, that happens quite often. Sometimes simply her voice annoys.
Of course, the way she speaks is annoying, too. It is so self-assuring yet sounds just dumb…..
Very dumb.
Stop talking to me, please, wouldn’t ya??!