mardi 29 juin 2010

0150 oh you don't know a thing

i cry out for help

but no one seems to hear it

maybe it's just not loud enough
maybe it just doesn't sound like desperate

still no one hears it

that's when i start to play with my soul
put on some fangs and some spikes
make a pair of wings from the dirt
weave some horns around the mind
trim the claws into knives

blow it up
tide it up

help and what helps

samedi 26 juin 2010

one man army

one man army

it is literally impossible
since a man cannot form an army

according to oxford dictionary
it can mean "an organized military force equipped for fighting on land"
which doesn't really exclude the possibility of such force being only one man


John Rambo


Iron Man

mercredi 23 juin 2010

what now

hate to be alone

being alone is being alone
a physical fact

yet somehow being with others or being with someone that is not the right one is still being alone

it is a trap where there's no end
the exit can not be found

don't like to bear it

vendredi 11 juin 2010

alcohol free alcohol

it's kinda difficult to be alcohol-free while there's free alcohol.

that's the dilemma.
or it's not.