jeudi 16 décembre 2010


Basically, I have been doing practically nothing this morning.
Or quite a few actually but in a very fragmental way so that it seems to be nothing concrete.
Read an article about facebook’s revenue and development; googled how to short-circuit an electric kettle (my colleague gets more hysterical when she takes more caffeine; that’s why I’d like to sabotage her intakes of coffee, by cutting out the supply of hot water……); updated and browsed some pages on fb; checked out some websites and blogs from a research concerning websites; googled how to customize a blog template; and so on…. just too trivial to recall by now.
Most annoying of all is that my colleague behind the desks in front of me talks a lot. And she talks toward me. Which means it’s not necessarily that she talks to me but toward me. I think politely speaking I’m supposed to respond however I’m not here to respond to her hysterical conversation.
Damn!! That’s something I can’t say out loud in the office……… office……… they call it “studio” but I think it’s definitely much more like an office.
Earlier this afternoon, my boss called to ask me to order some back issues of some magazine.
And she insisted that I did that instead of someone else.
What the fuck?! What is wrong with you people??



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