vendredi 8 octobre 2010

Anna Dello Russo by Garance Doré

Well, it's not so eccentric to me.
Does it really seem to be eccentric to the most of people out there? Not really, not really.
It's kinda nice. Is it exaggerating? Not for people there.
The picture is from Garance Doré.

At times you just fail to see the nice side of people, instead you see right through them. Which might

not be the courtesy at the time being.

Anyway, the picture is good, the words are good; as to the figure and the connotation, why care?


2 commentaires:

  1. I like it.
    thanks for the comment,
    also thank you for being the 100th follower on my blog!
    you write well, i will be visiting your blog again soon.

