Ran into an extract about
Basquiat on
Arte. It seems that he's been talked about quite a bit lately. The other day there's just an opening or something like that for an exhibition or a film about him. Heard or read about people saying how talented he was and so on. Somehow I still think that as long as one is not a gigantuous banal entity, with that amount of drugs and stuffs, one can always more or less come up with some stuffs that could be interpreted as art work.

Of course, once again, it depends on how you see the stuffs and for what reason you talk about it.
Actually, it occurs to me that there weren't many brilliant artists, so-called artists, writers, so-called fashion designers, philosophers, musicians, so-called this and that, who were sober, or clean in that sense.
Performance and good luck.
A situation a little similar is that about
Kate Lanphear.
Let's say that one can of course dress hi/herself with such sharp style as long as one got such wardrobe which provides an incredible abundant choices...... However, the reason why I say it's only "a little similar" is that most of the time, if you observe clearly, an uniform suits most of people.
Simple, they don't know how to dress themselves.
Kate knows what and how, do you?